BookS- Producing Royal Jelly By R. VAN TOOR
This fully illustrated guide provides all available practical information on the production of royal jelly and covers in detail. Why bees produce royal jelly, Therapeutic uses of the product, Detailed methods of production, New larval transfer systems, International standards, Storage and sale of the fresh product. step by step instructions show you how anyone ,with access to one or more hives can enjoy the satisfaction of producing royal jelly. About the author Dr. Ron van Toor gained an MSc in Crop Protection at Bath University, UK. He has worked as an agriculture researcher and technology transfer specialist for 18 years in science disciplines including integrated weed and pest management, agronomy and soil fertility. He worked with the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries from 1986-1990 to solve specific problems in the export of honeybees and the production of royal jelly. He gained his PhD in plant pathology at Lincoln University New Zealand in 2002 and now works as a scientist in crop protection for a New Zealand food research organisation.
Pages 102
Year 2006 Reprint