Book - Bee Ag Skills - NSW DPI AGGuide
A fabulous beginner's beekeeping book written by DPI NSW.
Step by step instructions with pictures. The perfect introduction to anyone starting with Bees. Used as a teaching manual for many Intro Workshops & Beekeeping Clubs around the Country
Easy to understand and a brilliant addition to your beekeeping book library.
A basic guide to some of the skills and practices of bee production. Easy to follow for those new to bee keeping, this book contains step-by-step instructions, diagrams and full-colour pictures. Includes how to maintain hives, use a bee smoker, catch a swarm, remove and extract honey, health and pests in the hive, buying equipment, and working safely with bees.
Table of contents:
- Introduction
- General safety precautions
- Quality Assurance
- Select bee site
- Assemble and maintain a hive
- Obtaining bees
- Light and extinguish a bee smoker
- Open, inspect and close a hive
- Move a hive
- Seasonal management
- Catch a swarm
- Requeen
- Identify flora for honey production
- Judging field conditions
- Remove honey
- Extract honey
- Legal considerations for an apiary
- Health problems and pests in the hive
- Reducing swarming behaviour
- Buying second-hand hives and equipment
- Industry structure and contacts
- Background knowledge
- Glossary
- Safe work method statements
- Check your skill
Published in 2007, Bee Agskills is 114 full-colour A4 pages.