Varroa Alcohol Check Cannister - for varroa mite survellience
This Varroa Mite alcohol wash is used to detect varroa mites.
Instructions on how to complete Varroa Mite inspections can be found HERE thanks to Plant Health Australia
You simply add approx 100ml of alcohol (metho is suitable too) into the container, then shake 2 brood frames of bees into another container. Allow the field bees to fly off and scoop approx 300bees into the cage and close the lid - approx 1/2 cup
Shake for 15 sec quickly to kill the bees & mites, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat twice.
Tap edge of grilled cage drain metho & to dislodge mites (if any)
The mites will instantly be killed and swished off the bees then will fall through the holes in the device and into the base. You can then clearly see if any mites are present.
Check by looking up through the base for any mites.
Contact Plant Health Australia Immediately 1800 084 881 if you suspect any mites.