Beginner Beekeeper Ultimate Honey Harvest Starter Kit
Is this your first honey season and you are super excited but not sure what you need. Well this is the ULTIMATE starter kit for harvestig your amazing home grown honey as a beginner beekeeper. Or maybe you have had bees for a while but just haven't gotten around to getting your own gear. This is the basics of what you need and will get you started.
This is what's included:
1x USA Electric Hot knife
1x uncapping fork
1x uncapping roller
1x honey sieve – double s/s
1x 15ltr bucket with honey gate
1x blue honey spatula
1x cappings filter bag
10 x 500g honey pails with tamper proof lids
10x 1kg honey pails with tamper proof lids
1x Uncapping Tray with sieve & frame rest 200mm